Friday, July 24, 2009

Crochet Hook Holder

For my Mothers birthday I decided to made her a case to hold her crochet hooks. I used the book Sew What!: Bags by Lexie Barnes. First I selected some fabric.

I did add another print after I took this picture. Now of course I got so into making it that I forgot to take pictures but it cam together pretty well.

Here is the inside of it completed.

The back.

And all folded up.

Green Beans and More

Here is what came out of the garden today. One zucchini, cherry tomatoes, the first yellow pear tomato and a bunch of green beans. We have been getting a fairly steady stream of zucchini and summer squash which I have been cooking up.

Today we finally planted my lemon tree which I received on Mothers Day.

It is in between the fence and the wood deck where there used to be a walking stone. I moved the stone and planted the tree. We plan on redoing the deck so it wont be quiet as close to the tree forever.

The compost bin is doing good and is almost half full. We had a small frog living in it for awhile but I have not been able to find it for the past few days. My other big project has been painting the third guest bedroom. Pictures of that will be coming soon.