Saturday, January 04, 2014

Super Hero Cape

Katie like most kids loves dressing up, she also love super heroes. When getting things together for her Halloween costume I found a pattern that she loved, McCalls 6626. This pattern has all the pieces needed to deck your kid out in all super hero gear. Katie loves pink and black and wanted everything follow this color palette. Most of the pieces are made of felt but the cape can be made of a wide variety of fabrics. (I also used this pattern to make Katies Darth Vader belt.) This project got set aside for awhile but Katie has not forgotten about her pink and black cape so I decided it was time to finish it and pulled it out today and ask my Mom to sew it. After that it was a matter of adding some eyelets and finishing it off.

The fabric is pink and black satin and by using eyelets for the ties it will be much stronger to handle the activities of a 5 year old.

I think she likes it and may even be wearing it to bed tonight as it has only come off her body for the pictures since it was finished. (And yes those are her Darth Vader slippers she is wearing)

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