Monday, February 18, 2008

Shopping Bag

In the effort to cut back on the plastic bag brought home I decided that it was time to make some bags. There are many patterns available on the internet, I used this one. Next I searched for fabric on eBay and have gotten some red and turquoise canvas type fabric. I also picked up some web straps for handles. I did not use piping, I just didn't want to figure out how to use it. I am still making this sewing thing up as I go along. So first I cut up the fabric using the measurements on my cutting board. (You can see the fancy scissors I got for my birthday last month too!)

Then I marked the center of the side and main piece, aligned them and started pinning.

Here is the first side pinned and ready to sew.

Sewing the corners was a little tricky and I can't really explain how it came together, needless to say I was impressed that they actually turned out decent.

After adding the straps I have a finished product! Not the greatest picture but you get the idea. Had I used the piping the bag would have had more structure and stood on its own, also the fabric was not a very heavy canvas to that might be part of it too.

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