Friday, May 13, 2011

Ceiling Fan!

When I had the Gas Company come out to fix the leaks in the house we discussed my high gas bills and what could help. He mentioned ceiling fans. This was something I had been thinking I wanted to get for the living room and he added another reason to put one in. A few months ago my brother and I did some research on what size was needed for the square footage of the room and at what height it should be. I picked out a fan and a drop pole. It took awhile but on a recent Wednesday I had off I convinced my brother to climb up into the roof to see what we could do about installing the fan. Here you can see what the light fixture looked like.

First my brother checked out the current set up in the ceiling. The existing support was not enough to hold the weight of a fan so he had to put in a support bracket that fit between the rafters. It took some work but the old light came down.

This left some wires hanging out of the ceiling.

Olive completely freaked out when Kevin's hand came through the hole.

While Kevin worked on that I unpacked and sorted the contents of the box. Who knew there would be so many little pieces.

I did not get pictures of the rest of the progress but eventually I had a ceiling fan! Of course the weather then got cooler so I have not used it much, but the air circulation has been great and the light is much improved.

Now the other light fixture in the room will be next, eventually.

1 comment:

The Food Librarian said...

Ha ha ha. Love the hand coming down from the ceiling!!!