Friday, November 23, 2012

End of the Garden

If you remember the garden looked something like this earlier in the year, it grew quite a bit from here.

It finally began to freeze at night after having temps in the 90's all the way into October. So then the garden looked more like this.

So on a Sunday afternoon my mom, brother and Katie joined with me in clearing the garden out. All of the tomatoes that has not yet been affected by the freeze needed to be picked.

The tomato cages had to be pulled and have the plants removed from them. Katie helped by picking up the stakes from the ground that had held the cages.

The cages are kept in the side yard, Katie helped by rolling them over.

All of the plants were moved and stacked to be put in a compost pile.

There were a lot of tomatoes both ripe and green. This area is now empty and my yard looks huge!

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