The backyard has been slowly coming along. Last year I planted clover seed in an attempt to have some ground cover without having to plant a lawn. This did not really work out, some clover grew, most did not. This year I decided to plant some grass seed. My main resource for creating a lawn in the back and maintaining the front is Building a Healthy Lawn a Safe and Natural Approach.
First I spent a few weeks pulling all the weeds in the area trying to get them to stop seeding and starting the sprinklers to get the moisture in the soil up. On the weekend I wanted to seed I spread sand over the area to help amend the soil. The sand was in the side yard and had been removed from the area where there used to be a pool but is now the garden. Next I purchased a 40 lb bag of gypsum to also help amend the soil. Both of these are used to help with clay soil or almost any soil to help it drain and allow more aeration.
Next my brother tilled the soil, about 5-6 inches in to work the sand and gypsum in.
Here is the tilled soil. Last year we heavily mulched the whole yard so the soil is in pretty good condition.
Raking and removing debris came next. I tried to flatten and level soil and remove rocks, twigs, etc... Then I spread a lawn starter fertilizer and raked it lightly in.
The seed I selected was a tall fescue, I also mixed in clover seed and covered the area.
I then lightly raked over the seed and covered it with peat moss for protection from the wind and birds.