Katie has been a very busy little girl as I imagine most toddlers are. I have been looking a lot at art activities and things to do with toddlers and one thing I have read in many places is that they learn and function best creatively if their feet are on the floor or a flat surface. The recommendation is that they sit with their feet on the floor or stand. Naturally an easel seemed like a good idea. While at Ikea I got Katie one. One side is a white erase board and the other is a chalk board. I also got her some chalk so when we got home Grandma showed her how to use it.
Katie loves her easel. She brings her chair over and sits at it drawing and coloring. I like the chalk because there is not much else she can draw on that can be damaged like with the crayons.
Katie has also been riding her tricycle, her feet are really close to being able to push the pedals all the way. She has figured out that if she pushes one down the other one comes up and she can push it. Her rides have only been inside due to the cold weather, luckily we have plenty of room.
Katie also got her very first hair cut ever. Her hair has finally gotten long enough that it needed to be trimmed. She now has bangs so her hair will not hang in her face as much and the back was evened up, the longest part cut off was about 1.5 inches. Her Uncle had to hold her but she handled the process of getting it cut very well.
Her hair now curls up and hits her shoulders, also it no longer gets knotted up in the back at night. We all think she looks adorable and she seems to like to too.
There was a pair of overalls that Katie had and loved but she recently outgrew them and she was upset that she could not wear them. I went on a hunt and discovered how difficult finding overalls for a girl is. I spent awhile looking on ebay and everywhere else I could think of and found they were quite expensive. Eventually I did find some and after some shipping drama they finally arrived this week. I think she loves all the pockets!