Friday, February 04, 2011

Quilting Class

Last August I signed up for a month long quilting class at Jo-Ann's. It consisted of four Sundays and by the last one I was the only person left in the class. We made a king size quilt, here is a picture of it on the last day of class:

The first class consisted of cutting. The second class was starting to piece the squares. The third class put the squares into rows then connected the rows. Finally at the fourth class we made the quilt sandwich. The quilt was laid out with the backing, the batting then the top. This is the point where I decided I should take a picture.

The next step involved putting a few hundred safety pins in the quilt to hold it together then quilting it, stitching the layers together. I started this process but after I got home decided it was too much and sent it out to a longarm quilting service that quilted and binded it. When discussing the project with the teacher we both agreed that making a king sized quilt as your first quilting project was probably not the best idea and that next time they would make them smaller. After the quilt was finished I wrapped it up and gave it to my Mom for Christmas since I have a much smaller bed and thought she might like it. Of course I never took picture of the final product but you can get the idea.

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