Friday, February 04, 2011

Big Girl Bed

With my back problems and Katie's desire to try and sleep in my bed I decided that for her 2nd birthday Katie would get a bed. I figured I might as well skip the toddler bed and go for the regular size. After much deliberation I picked out Ikea's Hemnes Daybed. It took less then a day to put it together with myself, Katie, my Dad and Brother working on different parts of it.

Here is Katie hard at work.

She was ready to sleep in it even before I got a mattress.

Of course if she is going to have a big girl bed she will be needing a quilt to go with it. I found a pattern for a basic pinwheel design twin size quilt so we went to the store and picked out Katie friendly fabric which was cut into 10"squares. 

Next I cut down the center of the square.

The triangles were sewn together to make squares which were sewn into rows. The rows were then sewn together. I did the fabrics randomly but if I had arranged the prints the pinwheel affect would have been much stronger.

Once the top was done I again sent it to the longarm quilter hoping to get it back before Christmas. The quilted pattern on the quilt is a design of ladybugs and flowers. It did arrive in time so Katie got it between her Birthday and Christmas. The finished quilt came out cute I think and looks good with the bed. 

I also put a bedrail on her bed so she would not fall out. She has fallen out once but I know it would have been a lot more without it. She really likes having a big girl bed and soon I will probably take the crib out of her room for good.

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