Thursday, January 03, 2008

Top Ten 2007

So here it is my list of the top ten book I read this year (in no particular order)

Harry Potter: Yes everyone knows it came out, it finished the story and did it well. For those of us who have followed it this far it was a sweet ending to the series and ended how it should.

Dairy Queen: The story of DJ and her life on the farm, her decision to play football at her high school and all the trials of being a teenage girl on a dairy farm and trying to hold it all together.

Gingerbread, Shrimp and Cupcake: Three books here, a short little series about Cyd Charisse starting in high school then beyond. She deals with life, her boyfriend and the challenges of her family in an amusing way that was fun and interesting to read.

Larklight A Rousing Tale of Dauntless Pluck in the Farthest Reaches of Space: What a great story this was, a space adventure set in Victorian times, I really enjoyed this tale and look forward to the recently released sequel.

Giver, Messenger and Gathering Blue: Another three pack of books here. These stories have stuck with me even though I read them towards the beginning of the year. There is a lot going on in them and I highly recommend them.

Homefront: This is an excellent period book, it takes place at the start of World War II when the main characters brother goes off to was and here Aunt and Cousin come to live with them from England. This story is a little harsh in a mild way at time but also sweet and shows the growth of the characters and the changes that war forces on people.

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