Sunday, April 10, 2011

Katie Update

Katie has been a busy little lady. She is getting good at helping water the plants in the yard.

One thing Katie has liked to do since I got a digital photo frame is to watch the pictures. It contains pictures of her since she was born and she is fascinated by it. She also will sit at the computer and ask to watch the baby, wanting to see videos of her when she was a baby. She gets very excited about this.

I have gotten my camera back from repaire so Katie is back to taking pictures. She walks around telling everyone to "say cheese" and snaps away.

In order to convince Katie to let me cut her nails I have started to bribe her with nail polish. She wants them painted so I tell her they have to be cut to be colored. This is working surprisingly well so far. This weekend it was purple.

After a few years of growing Katie is finally tall enough to turn on the lights but not quite tall enough to turn them off. This has caused a few bulbs that have not been replaced with cfl's do burn out when I do not realize they are on.

The roses in the front yard are starting to bloom. Katie likes to pull off all the petals and give them to mommy.

And finally my mom found one of Katie's favorite foods at the store today. This girl still loves corn on the cob.

1 comment:

The Food Librarian said...

AHHHH. So darling!