Wednesday, November 16, 2011


As you might remember I made Katie some bright napkins a little while ago. They have been very successful, she loves using them. They also cut down on our paper towel usage which I also wanted to do. On a trip to the local quilt store I let Katie pick one yard of any fabric she wanted to make more napkins. We looked at the pinks, watermelon prints, cherry prints and all sorts of colorful fabrics. Suddenly she saw the Halloween fabrics at the front of the store, she saw spiders and we looked no further.

Katie has a great love of spiders, people keep thinking she will be afraid of them but she likes them. She has been given several plastic spiders which she really enjoys, so I was not too surprised she chose the spider fabric.

Like before I cut squares but then I zigzag stitched the edges.

Katie likes using her spider napkins which makes us both happy.

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